Congratulations, Devoney. If you could visit us (JASNA NM) in Albuquerque at Bookworks that would be amazing. We would love to see you, as we have already met George and his dad!

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Congratulations, Devoney. It must be very satisfying to reach this important milestone. I wish you well and look forward to reading Wild for Jane, and also Austen at Sea. Both sound terrific. I hope to visit the University of Kansas sometime to see the Porter sisters papers. Thank you for sharing the link to the collection. (And I will post a review of Sister Novelists on Amazon and Goodreads. Good reminder.)

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Congratulations on the book and all your other activities! My favorite part of getting that book ms all put together is printing out the table of contents and the title page. And if you think the Jane Austen pen is gruesome, check out the Jonathan Swift/Gulliver one from several years ago.

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